CDSB seeks to support and encourage assurance activity of both climate change-related and environmental information, through the specification of requirements and principles representing suitable criteria that may be used to support assurance activities.
By preparing and reporting information according to the CDSB Framework, organisations are expected to apply the same rigour and management responsibility as is appropriate to all statements and disclosures presented in the mainstream financial report, whether audited or not. Assurance processes and engagements improve the quality of the reported information, reinforce credibility among stakeholders and improve reporting processes.
Generally, the financial statements auditor is required to read the information presented in addition to the audited financial statements and to identify any significant inconsistencies between it and the audited financial statements and to consider any observed significant misstatements of fact in those disclosures and that it conforms with local regulations.
However, the purpose of the consistency check is not to provide assurance on the information published. Further, a financial statements audit performed according to the ISA 100-700 series is generally not suited to reach conclusions on specific and discrete disclosures such as environmental information prepared according to the CDSB Framework. The consistency check does not therefore represent assurance of environmental information and is not comparable to assurance activities carried out under ISAE 3000 and ISAE 3410.
CDSB encourages organisations to engage with assurance providers to agree an appropriate assurance approach. Assurance engagements conducted according to existing standards such as International Standards on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000, 3410, or similar national standards are suited to provide assurance on environmental information under the CDSB Framework.
For more information see our position paper on relevance & materiality, organisational boundaries and assurance.