CDSB will be hosting a webinar on the upcoming changes to the Companies Act 2006 on the mandatory reporting of greenhouse gases.
Are you a UK Quoted Company? If so, new regulations requiring disclosure of Greenhouse Gas emissions will affect the content of your annual report. Hear leading accountants and non-financial disclosure professionals discuss the proposed regulation and get an introduction to the new requirements at our webinar at 10:00 am, Monday 13 August.
Speakers include:
- Lois Guthrie, Executive Director of CDSB
- Myles Bailey, Business Environment Directorate, Energy and Climate Change Group, CBI
- Daniel Turner, Head of Disclosure, Carbon Disclosure Project
- Gordon Wilson, Chairman, Technical Working Group, CDSB; Senior Manager, Climate Change and Sustainability, KPMG LLP,UK
The webinar will introduce companies to the draft regulation and explore its content in terms of British business and other laws around the world. Members of CDSB's Technical Working Group will then discuss how this proposed requirement fits with others defined by the Companies Act, and the practical aspects of disclosure that need to be considered in order to comply.
- Introduction and context - Lois Guthrie
- British business and greenhouse gas reporting - Myles Bailey
- Using CDP's reporting system for mandatory reporting - Daniel Turner
- Practical considerations and insights from CDSB's Technical Working Group - Gordon Wilson