IFRS Foundation announces International Sustainability Standards Board, consolidation with CDSB and VRF, and publication of prototype disclosure requirements
Read the detailed summary of the announcement made at COP26 in Glasgow
Read the detailed summary of the announcement made at COP26 in Glasgow
CDSB Managing Director Mardi McBrien says reporting will need to play a key part in the world achieving the World Business Council’s Vision2050 strategy.
Major international corporate reporting standard setters and framework providers have today announced a ground-breaking new two-year project focused on driving better alignment in the corporate reporting landscape, to make it easier for companies to prepare effective and coherent disclosures that meet the information needs of capital markets and society.
We have launched the Reporting Exchange, a new global platform dedicated to sustainability reporting, providing information about environmental, social and governance reporting requirements and resources
London, 20 April 2015. The United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Initiative is the newest signatory to the Statement on fiduciary duty & climate change disclosure, a commitment to make use of climate change-related information as a matter of fiduciary duty.
WBCSD and the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) are developing a web-based tool and database to help business understand and navigate the complex and fragmented corporate sustainability reporting landscape.